Anti-Bullying Week 2012

Monday 19th November starts the annual Anti-Bullying Week campaign. This year’s theme is ‘We’re better without bullying’ and highlights the effects bullying has on achievement. Years 8 – 12 will be involved with assemblies all week, highlighting the seriousness of bullying and advice on how to deal with such unacceptable behaviour.

School Formal, October 2012

The Glenlola Collegiate School Formal was held on Friday 19 October 2012 in the Clandeboye Lodge Hotel.

The Ulster Project 2012

The mission statement of the Ulster Project is to help young, Christian-based potential leaders from Northern Ireland and the United States to become peacemakers by providing a safe environment to learn, by practising the skills needed to unite people when differences divide them. The main aim for the Ulster Project is to take teenagers out of a country where they have strong stereotypes forced upon them and show that everyone is the alike.

Artistic Success for Former Pupil

It is always wonderful to hear how past pupils are getting on after leaving school. It was a proud moment for the Art teachers of Glenlola Collegiate to be able to show a group of “up and coming artists” the work of past pupils while on a visit to the Ulster Museum.

Year 9 Trash Couture Event

On Thursday 25 October, Year 9 pupils took part in their annual recycling event organised by the Geography department. Pupils took part in an ‘upcycling’ workshop which was run by North Down Borough Council and local artist Marianne Kennerley.

Servants’ Hill Archaeological Dig

On Wednesday 10th October, pupils from Year 9 had the opportunity to visit Servants’ Hill Archaeological Excavation site on the Gransha Road in Bangor which had been organised by Northlight Heritage and Irish Archaeological Consultancy.

Co-op Inspired Futures Project

Seven Year 12 pupils accompanied by Mrs Porter, travelled to Manchester over half term to take part in the ‘International Year of the Co-op Expo’.

Year 13 and 14 Physics Trip to Manchester

This year the A-Level Physics students went on an exciting trip to Manchester and Alton Towers - but it wasn’t all shopping and Krispy Kreme doughnuts! Some students experienced the physics of free-fall first-hand when they went on the ride ‘Oblivion’, which consists of a high vertical drop into a deep black hole (see what we did there? Black HoleJ that’s Physics too!). ‘On Air’ the ride covered 852m in 85s and had a G-force of 3.5g.Even while waiting in the queue for another ride, one eager student used the equation PE=mgh to calculate the potential energy at the top of one of the crests of the rollercoaster ‘Rita’.

“Two good tern parents deserve at least two chicks”

Two sixth form students from Glenlola Collegiate, Bangor and Royal Belfast Academical Institute have spent the summer helping the RSPB carry out research as part of a Nuffield Science Bursary project aimed to find out whether provisioning of chicks was sufficient to support a productive colony of common and arctic terns breeding on a small artificial island at Belfast Lough RSPB Nature Reserve. The students, supported by the RSPB education team, presented their Nuffield Science research at a celebratory event at Queen’s University Belfast recently.

GCSE Astronomy Weekend, Folk and Transport Museum, 19 – 21 October 2012

The UFTM hosted a different type of visitor when the Glenlola GCSE Astronomers spent a weekend there. Instead of looking around the historical buildings the Year 10 and 13 girls were definitely looking upwards!