Famous Local Writer Inspires Glenlola’s Year 10

On Thursday 19  September, Famous Local Writer Colin Bateman was curiously spotted in the Glenlola library. After much investigation it was discovered that he was here to give the class of 10C a talk about how he became a writer and his eventful experiences.  Bateman chatted to the girls about his first job as a journalist before going on to talk about how he got the ideas for his first book. Bateman confessed that it was always a dream for him to become a writer as he really didn’t enjoy journalism due to his shyness.

One day, Bateman was listening to classical music on the radio when he heard the name of the composer, Dvorjak. He kept repeating this name in his head until he came up with the name Divorcing Jack.“In my head it just sounded like the name of a book,” he told 10C.  “It was just the inspiration I needed.” Bateman then went on to write ‘Divorcing Jack’, mostly in his spare time as a hobby.

When he was finished he confessed he was very relieved as he had fulfilled one of his many dreams, although it was very hard work.

Bateman explained to 10c about his troubles of getting the book published. He told them about how he sent ‘Divorcing Jack’ to many different literary agents, hoping one would like it.  When he didn’t hear back from any his girlfriend at long last convinced him to let her read it.  She loved it and ordered him to send it to the biggest publisher in the UK, ‘Harper Collins’.  There it was put into the ‘slush pile’ , a room where all the unwanted books go.  The company paid a student to go into the room and randomly pick up books to see if they were any good.  By chance the student happened to come across ‘Divorcing Jack’.  That was when his career began.  The book went up and up the company  after the student recommended it, until it was published in 1999.  Since then, Bateman has published many more books including, ’Running with the Reservoir Pups’ and ’Mystery Man’.

After the talk the girls had the opportunity to ask Colin Bateman some questions:

Did you ever meet the student that first found your book?
No sadly not, though I would have liked to, to thank them.

Do you plan your books on paper?
No I normally just write them on the computer as I go along.  Planning a book would drive me mad!

Kirsty Bishop and Anna Carberry, 10C