Rotary Youth Leadership Award Report
This year I entered the Rotary Youth Leadership Award competition; a competition designed to recognise and reward youth leadership within the community.
The first stage of the competition was to complete an application form which challenged me to provide evidence of my leadership experiences, plus any positions of responsibility that I have held, and also to give them proof of my planning and organisation skills. From my application I was selected to be to be a candidate in the second round of the competition.
On the 24 October 2012 I took part in the second round of the competition which was the Schools Stage. This stage included being interviewed by a panel of 3 people in Glenlola. I was successful at this stage being selected as the winner of the Schools Stage for Glenlola.
I then went forward to the next section of the competition which was the Club Final Stage for Bangor Rotary Club. For this round I had to attend an external interview on the 8th November 2012. At this stage of the competition I was up against a representative from Bangor Grammar.
I was invited to a Bangor Rotary Club awards lunch on 21 November 2012, it was here I found out I had been selected as the winner of the Club Final Stage and would go forward to the next round which was the Regional Finals.
On the 22 November 2012 I was invited to participate in the Regional Finals of the competition and I also attended a Rotary Awards Dinner the very same evening. From the 7 competitors at this stage only 3 could go forward to the Leadership Development week and unfortunately I was not one of those picked. Despite this I am still very proud of how far I got in the competition for myself and the school; and also feel very grateful for the experience it has brought me. I would urge any girls, if given the chance, to take part in this competition as the personal development you gain is really invaluable.
Tori Browne 13A

Deputy Mayor Marion Smith, Bangor Rotary Club President Bill Aitken, the District Governor for Rotary Ireland and his wife with Bangor Grammar and Glenlola competitors