Glenlola Explorer Scouts Cook at Crawfordsburn
Glenlola Explorer Scouts had their first outing on Saturday…
Letter to Parents regarding Homework Policy, November 2013
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Sports Results week ending 7 December 2013
On Saturday 7 December the 1st XI and 2nd XI played Friends'…
Staff Charity Gunge Event
Staff volunteers for the charity gunge tank event…
Stars At Last!
Lorne House in Craigavad was the focus of a lot of study over…
Year 14 Interview Skills Day
On Thursday 7 November Year 14 were given an introduction to…
Young RSPB Campaigners Speak out at Stormont
University and sixth form students from across Northern Ireland…
Hockey Results, week ending 30 November
Last week the U13A and U14A teams played Strathearn. The…
Typhoon Haiyan Appeal
Typhoon Haiyan Appeal
It was with sadness that we witnessed the…
Trip to Caterpillar, Larne
Caterpillar Larne is an engineering company that designs, produces…