Technology & Design


  • To encourage pupils to express their own ideas when designing and making products in response to a problem, need or opportunity.
  • To develop in pupils the ability to plan in a logical sequence of procedures towards a given objective and to pursue goals which can be realistically achieved according to their ability.
  • To nurture individual creativity and encourage independent thinking.
  • The enjoyment of skilled practical work and the achievement of high quality outcomes.
  • To ensure safe working practices in the use of tools, equipment and machinery.
  • To develop a range of communication skills.
  • To encourage pupils to appreciate the benefits of working with others in teams.
  • To provide pupils with opportunities to evaluate their own work and the work of others.


Mrs Donnan (Head of Department)
Mr Montgomery
Mrs Walker
Mr Jones (Technician)

Subject Overview

We live in an increasingly technological age; therefore, we aim to begin to instil the knowledge and skills needed to flourish within it.  Studying Technology and Design provides opportunities to tackle and resolve design and technological problems to meet needs within a range of contexts.

At Glenlola Collegiate School all pupils study Technology and Design throughout Key Stage 3.  Pupils can then choose to study Technology and Design at GCSE level. Technology and Design is also taught at AS and A2 level.

GET MAKING: The workshop becomes your classroom – in Technology and Design we spend time consolidating the theory through practical work, designing and making.

THINK CREATIVELY: We teach with the most up to date 3D Modelling packages used in careers ranging from architecture to product design.

DEVELOP SKILLS: We teach you all the skills you’ll need to be a designer, from basic freehand sketching techniques to realistic colour marker rendering used by industrial and fashion designers around the world.

Key Stage 3

All pupils in years 8 to 10 study Technology and Design for 1 hour each week. Each project is designed so that pupils can experience a range of different teaching styles. A typical project may incorporate activities such as freehand sketching, 3D computer modelling, electronics, ICT skills or workshop manufacture. Pupils will be given opportunities to gain confidence in both practical and theoretical aspects of the subject which can lend themselves to other aspects of a pupil’s development.  The Key Stage 3 curriculum has been designed to allow each child to experience success and develop aspirations.

For pupils in years 8 to 10 there is also a Technology club that takes place on a Thursday afternoon after school.  We design and make a range of fun products that, as well as being enjoyable, help to improve your practical skills and creativity.

Key Stage 4

The pupils who have selected GCSE Technology and Design will have their eyes opened to a whole world of technological developments and processes that will increase their understanding of the bigger picture surrounding this area. Pupils will gain skills in time management, ICT and word processing competence, 3D modelling in the most up to date software, creativity and presentation techniques and an eye for design flare and good practical skills.

We follow the CCEA Technology and Design specification, studying:

  • Unit 1: Technology and Design Core
  • Unit 2: Electronic and Microelectronic Control Systems as our optional area of study
  • Unit 3: Design and Manufacturing Project is controlled assessment where pupils complete a design project comprising a design portfolio and an associated manufacturing task.

Key Stage 5

We aim to develop innovation and creativity at A Level and encourage the production of high quality products. The AS level course deals with product design with pupils learning a broad range of modern graphic skills which they apply to the development of a technological product. Industrial, environmental and economic factors are fully investigated in a number of product case studies. The A2 specialises in systems and control technology with all pupils designing and making a technological product.

We follow the CCEA Technology and Design specification, studying:


  • AS 1: Design and Materials (Compulsory)
  • AS 1: Systems and Control Option A: Electronic and Microelectronic Control Systems as our optional area of study
  • AS 2: Product Development is coursework where pupils complete one task, producing a practical outcome with a design folder.


A2 1: Systems and Control Option A: Electronic and Microelectronic Control Systems as our optional area of study
A2 2: Coursework: Product–System Design and Manufacture is coursework where pupils complete one task, producing a practical outcome with a design folder.

Career Opportunities

Studying Technology and Design will develop skills in identifying problems and creating solutions, developing design ideas, practical skills in hand, machine and CAD/CAM techniques, critical thinking and self-evaluation.

These skills can lead onto studying in further or higher education in a range of areas and potential careers such as:

  • A number of Engineering opportunities
  • Product Development
  • Product Design
  • Prosthetics
  • Architecture
  • Graphic Design
  • Set/Special effects designer
  • Performing arts technician
  • Technical stage manager
  • Web designer
  • Cybernetics
  • Teaching
  • Printing
  • E-Textiles
  • Prosthetics
  • Vehicle Design
  • Product Design
  • Food Technology
  • Dental Technology
  • Medical Technology

These are only some of the many fields open to Technology and Design students.