

To encourage pupils to:

  • Derive enjoyment and benefit from learning Spanish and be inspired by following a broad, coherent and worthwhile course of study.
  • Recognise that their linguistic knowledge, understanding and skills provide them with a suitable basis for further learning opportunities and opportunities for career progression
  • Develop knowledge of and an enthusiasm for language learning skills by providing opportunities for the practical use of Spanish
  • Develop the confidence to communicate effectively in Spanish
  • Develop the ability to work independently and with others
  • Develop an understanding of Spanish in a variety of contexts
  • Develop awareness and understanding of Spanish- speaking countries and communities
  • Take their place as citizens in a multilingual, global society.


Mrs Cousins (Head of Department)
Mrs Acheson
Ms Kerr
Mrs Wilson

Subject Overview

We live in a world in which travel can be both essential and enjoyable. Our aim in the Spanish department is to give our pupils the best knowledge of the language and the skills to use it effectively in the Spanish- speaking world. In accordance with the Northern Ireland Curriculum we strive to empower young people to achieve their potential and to make informed and responsible decisions.

Key Stage 3

At Glenlola Collegiate School, pupils can choose to study Spanish at the end of Year 8. In Years 9 and 10 they have 3 hours per fortnight of the language during which they have practice in all four skills. This provides them with a good basic knowledge if they should decide to continue to Key Stage 4.

Key Stage 4

Pupils studying Spanish for GCSE have the opportunity to build on the skills and capabilities developed throughout Key Stage 3. Our aim is also to support progression to AS and A level study, further or higher education, vocational training and employment.

We follow the CCEA Spanish specification, studying the following contexts:

  1. Identity, Lifestyle and Culture
  2. Local, National, International and Global Areas of interest
  3. School life, Studies and the World of Work

Within these Contexts Spanish is used to:

  • Understand and respond to different types of spoken language
  • Communicate and interact effectively in speech
  • Understand and respond to different types of written language
  • Communicate in writing

Key Stage 5

At this level we aim to:

  • Develop an enthusiasm for and an understanding of the Spanish language and culture in a variety of contexts and genres
  • Communicate confidently, clearly and effectively in the Spanish language for a range of purposes
  • Develop knowledge and understanding of societal, political and cultural issues in Spanish speaking countries
  • Draw together different areas of linguistic competence, skills and understanding
  • Develop higher order thinking skills, for example independent learning and analytical and evaluative thinking
  • Carry out research and present their findings through multi-media presentations
  • Develop advanced study skills that help them prepare for third level education
  • Provide extended responses and evidence of quality of written communication
  • Engage critically with intellectually stimulating films, texts and other materials
  • Demonstrate that they understand and can use Spanish at a high level to discuss and reflect on aspects of society, politics and culture

AS level

At AS level, we study the following themes:

  • Relationships
  • Culture and Lifestyle

In addition to a Speaking, listening, Reading and Grammar section, students also write an essay in Spanish on a set Spanish film.

A2 Level

The themes for A2 are:

  • Young people and society
  • Our place in a changing world

At A2, students also write an essay in the language on a chosen Spanish text.

Career Opportunities

The skills acquired through learning a language will be transferable to a wide range of careers such as:

  • Translation
  • Travel and Tourism
  • Banking
  • Teaching
  • Journalism
  • Marketing
  • Civil Service
  • Law
  • Interpreting
  • Business and Retail
  • Diplomatic Service
  • Lecturing