Business Studies


  • To develop a lifelong interest in business.
  • To gain a holistic understanding of business and the international marketplace.
  • To develop a critical understanding of organisations and their relationship with key Stakeholders.
  • To evaluate the role of technology in business communication, business operation and decision making.
  • To generate enterprising and creative solutions to business problems and issues.
  • To understand the ethical dilemmas and responsibilities faced by organisations and business decision makers.
  • To develop advanced study skills that help them prepare for third level education.
  • To acquire a range of relevant business and generic skills including decision making, problem solving and interpretation of management information.


Mr Haylett (Head of Department)
Miss Wilgar

Subject Overview

Business Studies examines the workings of a business and its relationship with the outside world and is a very useful subject for expanding pupils’ general knowledge, providing excellent preparation for life outside the classroom.  This subject will therefore appeal to pupils who are interested in current issues and finding out what goes on in the world around them.  It is a broad-based subject suited to pupils who display strengths in either mathematical or arts subjects.  The emphasis is on applying knowledge to business situations.   Problem-solving and decision-making are therefore important skills gained as well as research and analysis, teamwork, communication and creativity.

Key Stage 4

We follow the CCEA Business Studies specification, studying:

Unit 1: Starting a Business

  • Creating Business
  • Marketing
  • Business Operations

Unit 2: Developing a Business

  • Human Resources
  • Business Growth
  • Finance

Unit 3:

  • Planning a Business (Synoptic) controlled assessment
  • Business Plan

Key Stage 5

We follow the CCEA Business Studies specification, studying:


  • AS 1: Introduction to Business
  • AS 2: Growing the Business

In the AS Level units you will:

  • Be introduced to the world of business
  • Develop an understanding of the importance of quality and gain an appreciation of growing a business through marketing activities and e-business
  • Appreciate the importance of human resources and a motivated workforce
  • Learn about the importance of financial information and its use in decision-making


A2 1: Strategic Decision Making

A2 2: The Competitive Business Environment

If you continue to A2 Level you will:

  • Explore business planning and risk management when developing business strategies and develop an appreciation of the role of accounting and financial information in making strategic business decisions
  • Gain an understanding of the macroeconomic and global framework that organisations operate in
  • Develop an appreciation of how ethics and sustainability affect business decision-making and organisational culture

Career Opportunities

There are many different Business related degrees that can be pursued at university. Business related degrees are obviously useful as an entry to the business world in fields such as:

  • Accountancy
  • Marketing
  • Human Resources
  • Travel and Tourism
  • Hospitality
  • Manufacturing
  • Retailing
  • Banking
  • Business Enterprise
  • Digital Technology

A Business degree is also a good broad based multidiscipline degree useful for many careers such as

  • Law,
  • Journalism
  • Politics

These are only some of the many fields open to Business Studies students.