Sports Results
On Saturday 29 February Glenlola played Wellington College:
- 1st XI won 2-0, goals scored by Brooke Stranaghan and Katie Clarke.
- 2nd XI won 5-0, goals scored by Heidi Quinn, Louise Canning, Penny Nicholson, Vicky O’Neill and Emma dowds.
- U14A team lost 2-0
- U13B team won 2-0, goals scored y Lily Sykes and Grace Hamilton
- Year 8 won 1-0, goal scored by Katelyn Duncan
On Saturday 7 March Glenlola played Victoria College:
U13A and U14A teams both lost
2nd XI won 1-0, goal scored by Penny Nicholson
On Wednesday 4 March, Year 8 teams played Nendrum College, with the A team winning 21-1 and the B team winning 12-0.
Tag Rugby
Two year 11 Tag Rugby teams were unbeaten against Larne High, Shimna College, Carrickfergus High, St Benedict’s and Ballyclare High.