

The aim of the Careers Department in Glenlola Collegiate School is to develop our pupils as effective careers decision makers, helping them to prepare for the important choices which they have to make during their time with us in School and thereafter.  We aim to equip them with the knowledge and skills to allow them to manage their own career development successfully.


Mrs Diffin (Head of Department)
Mrs J Barr
Dr Spence

The Careers Department works towards helping pupils develop:

  • The skills necessary to choose and implement an appropriate career plan, based on a solid understanding of the importance of their education and a realistic awareness of the available pathways and opportunities.
  • Knowledge and understanding of themselves as individuals by identifying their strengths, skills, personal qualities, interests and capabilities.
  • Essential employability skills to prepare them for the world of work by providing our pupils with experiences and opportunities allowing them to investigate and evaluate a range of career pathways.
  • Skills in career planning and employing effective career decision-making strategies to manage transition and make suitable career development choices, with the appropriate support, advice and guidance.

Subject Overview

Careers education and guidance play a vital role in Glenlola Collegiate School to ensure that our pupils make a smooth transition from school to further or higher education and future employment.  The Careers Department aims to deliver a Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) programme from Year 8 to 14 which meets the individual needs and aspirations of all of our pupils.  We are here to support pupils through the process of realising their career pathway and making informed decisions at key stages such as GCSE and A level subject choice, through to selecting a University or College course or vocation.

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Key Stage 3

  • Careers teachers deliver the ‘Education for Employability’ modules in Years 8 and 9 as part of the Learning for Life and Work programme
  • Year 9 ‘Blast Off’ event with Young Enterprise
  • Year 10 have fortnightly careers classes taught by careers staff
  • Year 8-10 pupils learn to use careers software packages such as Xello, Unifrog and the NI Careers Service website
  • Year 8-10 pupils learn and develop career planning skills and complete personal career plans
  • Individual guidance interviews for pupils and parents for GCSE subject choices
  • Year 10 ‘Options event’ for parents and pupils, GCSE Subject Choice Information Booklet and class workshops with Careers Advisers from NI Careers Service

Key Stage 4

  • Careers Education is delivered by careers staff in Friday morning LTC3 form time sessions in Years 11 and 12
  • Year 11 ‘Learn to Earn’ event with Young Enterprise and a Career Planning workshop with careers staff
  • Year 12 ‘Success Skills’ event with Young Enterprise
  • Individual careers guidance interviews for Year 12 pupils with NI Careers Service advisers
  • Use of careers software packages such as Xella, Unifrog and NI Careers Service website
  • Year 12 ‘Options event’ for parents and pupils, AS/A-Level Subject Choice Information Booklet and post-16 options assembly with Careers Advisers from NI Careers Service

Key Stage 5

  • Year 13 have fortnightly careers classes during terms 1, 2 and 3 and Year 14 have a weekly careers class in term 1, both taught by careers staff
  • 1 week of work experience in Year 13 to include preparation and follow-up
  • Opportunities for additional virtual work experience as appropriate
  • University presentations for parents and pupils
  • Oxbridge presentation for parents and pupils and the opportunity to attend Oxbridge conferences
  • Year 13 visit to UCAS Convention
  • Visits to NI university Open Days
  • Opportunity to attend Careers Fairs
  • Year 14 Interview Skills Day including mock interviews with employers
  • Pupils in Year 13 and 14 complete and review their Personal Career Plans
  • Support and guidance for Higher Education applications (UCAS, CAO)
  • Advice and guidance available from form teachers and careers staff re HE and FE applications and alternative pathways e.g. employment/Higher level apprenticeships/Year out or Gap year
  • Guidance interview with NI Careers Service adviser on request