The Team consists of:

The Designated Teacher for Child Protection and has responsibility for the School’s Pastoral Care System.

  • Mrs H Law – Head of Pastoral Care

Deputy Head of Pastoral Care and Deputy Designated Teacher for Child Protection

  • Mrs J Wilson – Deputy Head of Pastoral Care and Deputy Designated Teacher for Child Protection
  • Mr B Montgomery (Vice Principal) – Deputy Designated Teacher for Child Protection

Pastoral Care Assistant

  • Mr D Barr

Pastoral Support and Welfare Officer

  • Miss L Brown

Pupil Counsellors

  • A Counsellor from Family Works is available for pupils two morning a week, Mondays and Wednesdays.
  • In addition, the School employs a part-time Pupil Counsellor who is available on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays between 9.00am to 2.30pm.

Duties of the Pastoral Care Team

The duties include:

  • Counselling and supporting pupils
    • A member of the Pastoral Care Team is available to talk to pupils each morning before registration and at lunchtime.
    • Notices displayed around the School inform pupils about these arrangements and give details of the location of the Pastoral Care Office.
    • The Pastoral Care Team is introduced to incoming Year 8 pupils and their parents during the Induction Evening (June) and it meets with the pupils on Induction Day (Autumn Term).
    • Pupils who have suffered bereavement during the School Year are given particular support by the Pastoral Care Team who also liaise closely with the pupils’ families.
    • The Team has a key role to play in developing and implementing anti-bullying strategies.
    • The Pastoral Care Team gives support to any pupils in the School who are Young Carers.
    • The Team gives guidance to pupils on matters of personal safety in the community. This guidance is delivered through Assemblies or through Year Group meetings.
    • Liaison with all relevant outside agencies as required.