Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance covers a wide variety of activities.  These range from individual career interviews based on an assessment by questionnaire of personal attitudes and aptitudes to special careers information courses.

Careers conferences, careers events and work experience are also arranged for particular year groups.  These give our girls opportunities to gain first hand knowledge and an awareness of their prospective careers whilst also providing important links with industry and commerce.

When girls enter their Middle School and Senior School years, it is necessary to make choices between certain subjects.  Arrangements are made for direct consultation involving parents, pupils and teachers, and the Careers Adviser, based on detailed information on the options and career requirements.


All pupils participate in Employability modules in each year as part of the Learning for Life and Work programme.  These modules cover topics such as employability skills, work in the local and global economy and enterprise.  They also include a focus on career information and career planning.

All Year 10 parents and pupils receive a GCSE Subject Nomination booklet which includes advice and detailed information on all subjects covered for GCSE.  All Year 10 pupils and parents are offered the opportunity of a careers interview with a Careers Adviser from the N.I. Careers Services to discuss GCSE subject choice nominations and career interests.  Year 10 pupils attend two Careers assemblies. One outlines the key points to consider and gives advice to allow pupils to make the most appropriate subject choices. The other provides further information and advice about the ‘new’ subjects they could nominate for GCSE (Business Studies / Drama / ICT/Journalism).

At the Year 10 Parent Consultation Meeting in March, Careers staff and a Careers Adviser are available for guidance on GCSE subject choices and careers pathways.

GCSE Subject Choice Book 2025


This builds on the programme covered in Key Stage 3 and provides a foundation for career guidance in Senior School.  It is delivered through an Employability module in each of Year 11 and 12.

Each year 12 pupil completes a Career’s Guidance questionnaire from the NI Careers Service and has an interview with a Careers Adviser to discuss and support her career plans.  The Careers Adviser also briefs the Year 12 pupils on their Post 16 Options at a Careers Assembly.

Year 12 Parents and pupils receive an AS Subject Nomination booklet which includes advice and information on choosing AS subjects.  All Year 12 pupils attend three Careers Assemblies regarding AS Subject Nominations:

  • Giving advice and guidance on making the most suitable AS nominations.
  • Providing information on ‘new’ subjects offered at AS level: Business Studies / Government & Politics / Health & Social Care and Psychology.
  • Outlining ‘Life in Senior School’.

At the Year 12 Parent Consultation Meeting in March, Careers staff and a Careers Adviser are available for advice and guidance on AS subject nominations, post 16 options and career pathways. A presentation is given on Medical Professions and entry requirements.

AS Level Subject Choice Book 2025

Year 13

An Information Evening for Year 13 Parents in September provides an insight into the demands of the ‘AS’ Level Curriculum including the Careers programme. There is also a presentation on Oxbridge entrance.

The Careers Adviser outlines the Post 18 Options to the pupils at a Careers assembly. To assist girls in making informed decisions at this stage, all pupils participate in a careers module. This covers the main options on leaving school at 18, with a focus on preparation for Higher Education, as well as the preparation and follow up for Work Experience.

Careers guidance materials, lectures and visiting speakers, etc are also provided.  All pupils have the opportunity to visit the UCAS Higher Education Convention in March.

All girls have the opportunity of a one week work placement and are able to participate in Open Days in areas such as dentistry, speech and language therapy, radiography etc.

All girls have the opportunity to attend the Med-link, Vet-link Conferences, the MCB Engineering, Law and Medical Conferences. A number of girls attend Stranmillis College Open day.

Pupils also have the opportunity to be part of running a small business through the Young Enterprise Scheme.

At the Year 13 Parent Consultation Meeting in February, Careers staff and a NI Careers Service Adviser are available for advice and guidance on A2 subject choices and Higher Education options.

Parents and pupils are invited to information and discussion events at which admission officers from Scottish Universities, Newcastle & Northumbria Universities, Queens University Belfast and University of Ulster give presentations.

Year 14

Girls are given guidance on applications to Higher/Further education.  Visits to University Open Days and MCB Careers Convention are also arranged.  A careers module is provided for all pupils.

To gain further experience of the world of work pupils can take part in the teaching practice programme in local primary schools.

An opportunity to enhance their interview skills is provided for pupils at this stage through the Sentinus programme with the help of local employers. A number of pupils participate in STEM Nuffield Bursaries Awards allowing them to work with employers and researchers in their chosen field.